Welcome to Gwyddoniaeth Drwy Ddata. 10 topics which cover a range of themes for Key Stages 1-3, with interactive activites and videos to provoke students' engagement, and to encourage them to learn more. With a teachers' guide and printable and downloadable worksheets, it will help to create fun lessons that students won't forget for a long time.
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The resource focuses on the core and compulsory practical exercises as highlighted in the WJEC's new specifications for AS and A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. It aims to help learners to strengthen their practical skills in preparation for written examination papers and to create their 'laboratory book' as required in the new courses. The resource is designed to be used for independent learning and in the classroom to help teachers support learners' practical skills.
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Hotspots of Wales looks to discover and explain interesting science locations, from all around Wales, covering Physics, Chemistry and Biology for GCSE to A-Level students. With teachers notes and downloadable worksheets, Hotspots of Science takes science from the classroom to the great outdoors.
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